The Story Behind Our Company Name 

The Story Behind Our Company Name | Main Digital

In memoriam: This article is dedicated to Mahin Amin Boroumand, who passed away in April of 2022.

Main Digital.
Mahin Amin Boroumand.

Those two names have something in common.
And that would be… me (Sanam Boroumand).

Mahin Amin Boroumand is my grandmother.
“Main” is actually an anagram of her family name “Amin”.

My grandmother…
a lifelong role model,
a lifelong supporter,
my sharpest and gentlest critic,
a mentor and my hero.

Her extraordinary life inspired our extraordinary company.

Start with a flashback to Tehran, Iran in the late 50s to early 60s.
Mahin was a wife and young mother, married to an army officer, and living a comfortable life.
What did she do?
She completed high school.
Then college. Stuck with it. Received a bachelor’s degree in accounting, followed by graduate study in finance.
And, went to work.
Not too many women were in the professional workforce at that time, in that country. But she climbed the ladder anyway.

Now flash to Tehran in 1979, the Iranian Revolution.
Forced out of the country, Mahin left almost everything behind, emigrated to the United States…and, went to work.
She worked till almost 80, then took up playing Bridge. And Bridge during her retirement turned into another profession…
Today, near age 90, she uses Zoom to teach Bridge online.

Through all the years, the ups and downs, Mahin was right there for any family member in need.
We, the many of us, sought her counsel, relied on her discretion, her wisdom, her unconditional love and support.
Several of her grandchildren (including me) lived under her roof at some point in our formative years.

My grandmother’s empathy, adaptability, resilience, endless curiosity and drive to improve all that she touchesthis is my blueprint for Main Digital.
That’s why our mantra is ‘Live Like Mahin’.

Thanks, Grandmother. 

Now watch us go.

About Main Digital

Main Digital is a consulting firm specializing in business process transformation and secure intelligent technology implementation. Through intelligent technologies, Main Digital focuses on building a future with clients where people do the things they are best at and technology handles the mundane and simple tasks for them. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.